Detaje nga vetëvrasja e aktorit shqiptar bashkë me gruan në New York
Një ngjarje e rëndë është shënuar në New York, ku kanë humbur jetën aktori Florind Belliu dhe bashkëshortja e tij Ornela Belliu. Bëhet me dije se ata janë hedhur nga kati i gjashtë i pallatit ku jetonin në Nju Jork,
“Duhet të humbë peshë”/ Habit babai i miliarderit Elon Musk: Nuk jam krenar për djalin tim!
Babai i Elon Musk tha gjatë një interviste se nuk është krenar për djalin e tij miliarder, duke thënë se Elon është i pakënaqur me përparimin e tij në karrierë. Gjatë intervistës së realizuar sot me radion australiane The Kyle and
Ndalimi i abortit në SHBA, “The Handmaid’s Tale” në jetën reale
Ndryshimi i legjislacionit nga Gjykata Supreme në SHBA, e cila hoqi të drejtën e grave për të kryer një abort ka ndezur debate të mëdha. Të paktën 26 shtete pritet të ndalojnë abortin pas vendimit të gjykatës. Të shumtë kanë
Chicago – USA
VISION Connecting women locally, empowering them globally MISSION We aim to unite professional women around the world, regardless of their age, culture or race. To encourage them to stand in their power, invest in themselves and grow their skills and abilities by learning
New York – USA
VISION Connecting women locally, empowering them globally MISSION We aim to unite professional women around the world, regardless of their age, culture or race. To encourage them to stand in their power, invest in themselves and grow their skills and abilities by learning
Dallas – USA
VISION Connecting women locally, empowering them globally MISSION We aim to unite professional women around the world, regardless of their age, culture or race. To encourage them to stand in their power, invest in themselves and grow their skills and abilities by learning
Los Angeles – USA
VISION Connecting Women Locally, Empowering them Globally MISSION We aim to unite professional women around the world, regardless of their age, culture or race. To encourage them to stand in their power, invest in themselves and grow their skills and abilities by learning
San Francisco – USA
VISION Connecting Women Locally, Empowering them Globally MISSION We aim to unite professional women around the world, regardless of their age, culture or race. To encourage them to stand in their power, invest in themselves and grow their skills and abilities by learning